17a-4 is developing a module of the DataParser to support Microsoft Teams.
17a-4 is developing a new module of the DataParser to support Microsoft Teams. The DataParser is a leading compliance solution to collect regulated data types for retention in an archive. Microsoft Teams is the new chat-based workspace in Office 365. DataParser will support the collection, formatting and delivery of Teams data.
Microsoft’s Teams allows users to keep their content, tools, people, and conversations in one workspace. There is built-in access to SharePoint, OneNote, and Skype for Business, rich scheduling features, plus ad-hoc 1-1 and group calling. The new module of the DataParser for Teams will ensure messaging compliance just as with Microsoft Skype for Business, Cisco Jabber, Thomson Reuters Eikon Messenger, Bloomberg, InvestEdge, FactSet and other supported data sources.
DataParser is on premise software that has no impact on the collected data source networks. Chat users’ activities are not disrupted by the DataParser’s processes and compliance officers do not have to make changes to eDiscovery procedures. The design allows for integration with Active Directory to specify users or types of messaging to be collected. Multiple configurations are supported for more complex environments. All major archiving technologies, both in-house and out-sourced, are supported allowing clients to leverage resources and keep compliance costs to a minimum. VMs are supported, including AWS and Azure. Message delivery options include the ability to send directly into an archive, to a file location and/or into a mailbox in Exchange or Office 365.
17a-4 is continually developing new modules and enhancing DataParser features and available options for all supported platforms. Clients can request specific modules and features be added to the roadmap.