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DataParser for Government

Easily Stay in Compliance with Government Regulations Using DataParser

Government and Public Sector organizations must comply with regulatory record retention requirements.  DataParser automatically brings regulated records into archives and compliance repositories while maintaining compliance metadata and chain of custody.

DataParser is scalable and can be deployed on on-premise servers behind internal agency firewalls.

DataParser for Government & Public Sector

National Archives

DataParser helps federal, state and local government agencies meet regulatory requirements

Since 2001, DataParser has helped government organizations quickly and easily maintain compliance with electronic messaging regulations. DataParser was designed to help facilitate regulatory compliance using existing infrastructures like email archives to capture various types of content. Communication channels like social media and instant messaging (IM) as well as text/mobile, cloud-based file systems and all-in-one collaboration platforms like Slack, Teams, and Zoom can all be collected. Once messages and content from these platforms are ingested into an archive or cloud storage endpoint, they can be retained according to retention rules, supervised for compliance and searched in eDiscovery.

A records mandate issued by the National Archives and Records Administration clarifies a decade-old rule for retaining electronic communications.  Historically, the Capstone approach was designed specifically for email correspondence – but no more. With the latest update to the General Records Schedules in Transmittal 33, the scope has been expanded to include all types of electronic messages, including any electronic message, including email-based chat, independent chat messengers and text messages. The retention period, based upon the position of the sender or receiver, can range from 3 to 30 Years.

Comply With Public Sector Industry Regulatory Bodies:


Benefits of DataParser for Government Organizations

Avoid fines, penalties and other enforcement actions by regulatory bodies such as FOIA and FISMA
Mitigate risk involving internal investigations, data breaches, external audits, lawsuits or intentional Government Research & Data theft
Reduce regulatory compliance related costs including fees for outside counsel, ongoing legal matters and data productions
Create a central data lake repository for government communications to enable business intelligence and civic analytics

The Challenge: Government Orgs Must Retain Communications

Government organizations are required by law to archive, retain and supervise business communications. Regulations such as the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), and National Archives and Records Authority (NARA) rules lay out specific mandates around electronic records and communications that must be retained, including those taking place over social media, mobile devices, and messaging platforms. Failure to comply with these rules can lead to fines and has resulted in high-profile enforcement cases where organizations were penalized for failure to adhere to compliance rules.

The Solution: DataParser Meets Government Messaging Regulations Efficiently and Effectively

Federal agencies must have the technical capabilities to properly save and preserve electronic messages. Most messaging compliance solutions require sending your workforce’s critical, sensitive communications to a third-party data store. Moreover, these services require recurring monthly fees for the maintenance of a second archive, in addition to your existing email archive. DataParser leverages existing infrastructures to minimize cost and meet security and information governance policies.

We’ve worked with several agencies to implement DataParser to capture communications and push them into email archives or cloud storage.  DataParser collects directly with source data and delivers directly to the repository maintaining chain custody. DataParser is the middleware connector solution to capture, store, and retrieve electronic messages in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Supported Data Sources

DataParser is a modular software solution designed to meet Compliance, Legal, Security and IT requirements. Chats, Online Meetings, Documents, Data feeds, Collaboration Platforms and Databases are supported. DataParser handles the collection from the source, formatting of the data and delivery to an archive, eDiscovery platform or storage repository. 17a-4 partners with all data source providers to ensure continuous support of new features.  17a-4’s software team has streamlined the development of new interfaces.  Please get in contact if you are using a platform not listed below and would like us to add it to our DataParser roadmap.

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We have a new offering for Zoom Meetings for Government that complements our traditional full capture DataParser with a cost-effective solution for agencies.

DataParser’s Zoom Meeting Services for Government clients provides:

  1. Capture of Zoom meetings including the metadata of participants;
  2. Preservation of the content in Microsoft’s Azure Blob or Amazon’s (AWS) storage;
  3. The ability to send the linked content to a specified email address (i.e.;
  4. An email with a link to the actual recording so that a government employee can easily send to any citizen who wants to view the meeting at a later time;
  5. Retention of the meeting recording customized to the requirements of the government agency.

DataParser for GOV can be sold through our partner Carahsoft and is listed on ITES-SW2 contract.

17a-4 for Government | Carahsoft