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Flexible solutions for data compliance

DataParser is connector software for archiving data. Whether deploying on-premise or leveraging DataParser Cloud, users decide what gets collected and where it goes. In use since 2002, a robust list of features have been developed to offer many options for managing data across regulation, industry, use-case, size or location.

Designed for verifiable chain of custody and regulatory compliance; archiving data for SEC / FINRA rules, HR, remote work, IP, legal or corporate policies are common use cases. Financial firms, Government agencies, Education, Energy and Healthcare organizations all use DataParser.

IT and Compliance teams are tasked with managing email, chat, files, meetings, databases, audio/video and much more. With the added challenge of offering new platforms and emerging technologies to users without falling out of compliance or putting their organization at risk. DataParser is designed to make the process easier.

Capturing data directly from the source, formatting for easy review and sending into one or all of your preferred archive, storage, eDiscovery or supervision platforms. Filtering users, multi-threading outputs, stripping attachments for alternate storage, audit and report features and more make DataParser the leading independent connector solution for messaging compliance. Deployed globally and managing millions of messages a day for enterprise communication systems. Collecting users data from Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Webex, Slack, Movius, Symphony, Bloomberg and more. Sending connector data into Proofpoint, M365 Purview, EV, Azure Blob, AWS… the list goes on. 

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Why Archive?

Technology is key to today’s workforce. Leveraging instant messaging and collaboration platforms, users can connect, schedule, meet, chat, call, share, document and more. These communication tools help us work efficiently and collaboratively. The modern day “office” is, wherever we are! Location is no longer an obstacle to communication. While this is great progress for the workforce bringing with it many benefits to productivity and work life balance, it does pose a problem for HR, IT, Legal and Compliance teams that need to manage remote workers and all these new data sources.

Archiving has a become a standard workplace practice. Whether it be for monitoring employee activities, complying to industry regulations or managing legal matters, archiving business communications and records is an integral part of risk management. Financial firms have a longer history of compliance regulations that have required archiving and supervision of various types of books and records. As other industries transition to remote work, they are adopting many of the same policies used in financial firms to ensure their corporate data is being properly managed.

DataParser is the only connector or middleware technology that works with any archive on the market. With multiple options for deployment and delivery, with DataParser you use your existing archive program. Bring all your data into a unified archive to be managed with existing policies and procedures.

Key Features

  • Threads chats for easy review and eDiscovery
  • Formats source data for easy ingestion into email archives
  • Active Directory integration for managing users
  • Supports custom Subject service indicators
  • Supports X-headers
  • Ability to maintain source files and send to alternate locations
  • Timer structure for automatic interval or specified processing times
  • Support for UNC addresses
  • Supports multiple configurations
  • Outputs to Exchange or Office 365 mailbox via EWS
  • Outputs to archives and compliance repositories via direct SMTP
  • Outputs to a file path for testing or pickup by an archive or eDiscovery platform
  • Supports staged output to subdirectories or directly to a pickup location
  • Notifications and reports including daily summary reports to denote processing information
  • Throttling of data output to work within destination archiving platform thresholds

Supported Data Sources

DataParser is a modular software solution designed to meet Compliance, Legal, Security and IT requirements. Chats, Online Meetings, Documents, Data feeds, Collaboration Platforms and Databases are supported. DataParser handles the collection from the source, formatting of the data and delivery to an archive, eDiscovery platform or storage repository. 17a-4 partners with all data source providers to ensure continuous support of new features.  17a-4’s software team has streamlined the development of new interfaces.  Please get in contact if you are using a platform not listed below and would like us to add it to our DataParser roadmap.

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Archiving Best Practices

Identify your Data

The first part of creating and managing a compliant and legally defensible archive is to ensure that you know where all your data is. This can be a tricky process. You may think, email, chats, documents, what else is there? The answer, a lot. General ledgers, Prospectuses, HR records, Marketing and Sales materials, Client Meeting Information, Databases… the list goes on.  A thorough review of systems in use and where records reside is integral to identify corporate risk.

This is not to say you necessarily want all your data in your archive, but you must know what you have and where it is, to know if you are out of compliance. Penalties that are levied for non-compliance when it comes to records preservation can be hefty.  Not knowing where all corporate data/records is puts organizations at risk for fines as well as ligation and accidental data deletion.

Create a Unified Archive

The best way to control corporate data is to bring it into one archive.  However, this is not as easy it as sounds. With many different types of data coming from many different sources, getting all of it into one location can be a complicated process. Then to decide what is the best archive software for your business.

Cloud archives seem a natural fit for cloud data sources and cloud-based email systems but an on-premise archive may make more sense when managing enterprise security policies and hybrid email environments. DataParser is designed to help with exactly these issues.

Collecting data directly from the source, maintaining the chain of custody, threading all chats, reconciling all data to users and reporting on all processes are key features of DataParser that help users manage a compliant and unified archive.

Retention and Supervision Policies

The purpose of an archive is to preserve corporate data. Once you’ve cleared the hurdle of getting your data into your archive, you’ll need to decide how best to manage it. The goal is to minimize risk and adhere to organization policies and governing regulations – most archives have multiple features to achieve this.

Retention polices can be used to designate what data gets held and for how long. Regulated users, like broker dealers, must adhere to SEC and FINRA record retention requirements and keep copies of all communications in WORM (Write Once Read Many) in the business archive.

eDiscovery processes can then be performed in the case of litigation or regulatory review. Others, like Investment Advisors, require Supervision policies and procedures in place to ensure proper adherence to governing rules.

Disposition polices that remove or delete old data are also important to consider. Not only will you keep your archival storage costs down but you’ll also mitigate your corporate risk.


How do I get started with DataParser?

You’re here checking out our site…maybe you watched a few videos… it seems like DataParser may meet your needs so, let’s connect!

Fill out one of the many forms on this site, send an email to or call (212)949-1724. We’ll provide more details about DataParser and answer all your questions so you can decide if we can be of help.

We’ll review which data sources you need to collect, where you want the data to end up and which deployment and license best fits your needs.

Samples, demos and trials are available upon request.

Is there a hosted cloud version of DataParser?

Yes! Our DataParser Cloud is run in a secure Azure environment that eliminates the need for any on-premise resources or administration.

Cloud clients can be hands-off as our 17a-4 Support team manages the end-to-end process and monitors daily to ensure seamless collections and archiving.

More about DataParser Cloud


How long does it take to get DataParser setup?

Once you choose your license type you will get routed onto a deployment track.

For on-premise installs, environments must be prepared and all data source and archive requirements met. Then you will get a trial or production deployment ticket opened and our Support team will schedule an installation within 1-2 business days.

For DataParser Cloud configurations, the requirements remain but the environment prep is not needed. Cloud deployments are typically faster and are a great way to verify features and output formats meet your needs.

Do you offer a free trial of DataParser?

Yes!  We offer free trial licenses of all DataParser modules/data sources – Zoom, Webex, Slack, Teams and more. We always encourage a trial so you can thoroughly test and verify the process works as expected and the output meets your needs.

The trial process also helps with your preparation for production rollouts. Users are able to review processed messages, docs etc. and make decisions about what content gets collected and which features need to be enabled.

How much does the DataParser software cost?

Each data source is licensed separately, and we only charge for the number of users you need collected.  Since DataParser can integrate with Active Directory (AD), users can be filtered according to any AD attribute/group.  We offer several different license types to fit different budgets and use cases.

The following fees apply to DataParser and depend upon deployment and license choice.

  • License fee – Annual, Perpetual, Cloud, DR, Lab and Term licenses
  • Installation/Configuration fee – applies to on-premise installs or Cloud configurations
  • Hosting fee – for Cloud deployments
  • Annual Support fee – Perpetual licenses are supported with an Annual Support fee of 15% (support fees are included in Annual license fees)

More about DataParser license plans

Can we send old legacy data into our archive with DataParser?

DataParser can be configured to pull data for any date range however, it depends upon the data source and if the legacy data is still available.  Each platform is different; some may keep data indefinitely, while others keep it only for a set time period.  In short, if the data is being held by the data source, we can process it.

Legacy data sets do incur separate fees for processing, and depend on factors such as how many users, length of time, amount of data and if formats differ from typical processing.

Legacy data quotes are available upon request.

Today’s workforce, whether local or remote, are adopting new communications tools every day. DataParser enables firms to capture data from many communication channels including the most widely used platforms such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, Webex, and Zoom. Content is captured directly from the source and chats are threaded to keep conversational context intact.  Processed data is sent to the institutional archive for indexing and retention. This ensures that firms can confidently meet regulatory obligations from FINRA, SEC, GDPR, FCA and MiFID II.

17a-4 software assists firms in finding the right information when they don’t quite know where to look. As organizations increasingly adopt a compliance-first culture, a key element is the ability to conduct corporate investigations that monitor, detect, and mitigate (and hopefully prevent) violations of a Company’s Code of Conduct. Using 17a-4 DataParser and PostLog software, firms centralize collaboration data in a secure and searchable repository for investigatory review. Today’s distributed workforce communicates through complex chat and collaboration platforms with links and embedded elements. It is critical for firms to be able to search and see content in context. Companies implement DataParser and PostLog to complete Internal Investigations which require best practices for retention, collection, review, and user auditing.



Enterprises have adopted collaboration to foster communication and fuel productivity. DataParser provides clients with a defensible eDiscovery tool that delivers confidence that collaboration data from the world’s most complex data sources is quickly and defensibly collected and preserved for Early Case Assessment and eDiscovery purposes.  Companies leverage DataParser to deliver a purpose-built solution that empowers legal, governance and compliance teams to preserve, collect, analyze and export collaboration data.


Platforms such as Slack, Teams, Webex, and Zoom have become the de facto platforms for Electronic Vehicle engineering, pharmaceutical research, semi-conductor chip design, and other “hard-tech” R&D teams to collaborate.  Before it was often difficult for an institution to ‘prove’ their IP.  Now, legal teams can analyze ideas and IP emerges directly from research interactions.  However, these meetings must be captured and retained with the necessary ‘chain of custody’ that will allow the legal teams to use it in evidence in court.  No longer will an engineer have to appear on the stand and verbally describe the IP effort and subject to difficult cross-examination.  Now, the entire development process may be laid out based on textual communication and beyond the challenge of opposing counsel.

17a-4 works with high-tech companies in the research space to make sure that, at a minimum, engineering teams’ collaborative content is captured and archived with the necessary metadata for evidence.





This is a famous epigram, but few firms have made much progress in addressing the challenge of knowledge management and content intelligence.  With large archival repositories such as Microsoft’s 365 and Google Vault however, it is now possible for firms to use DataParser to capture text-based communication and collaboration data from email, instant messaging, social media, and the web to push that content into a repository. Firms are leveraging very powerful Al/ ML and search technologies from these leading Cloud Service Providers to not only find their institutional knowledge but derive actionable business intelligence from it.